How often should a child Poop? Important information for every Mother

Many questions arise in the mother's child from the first moment of birth, including how often should the child Poop? When your child comes to life and your mind begins to fill with many questions, and one of the most common questions that occupy the mind of parents is about the excretion habits of your child. Parents often ask about how the normal stool of the child looks. The child's poop is evidence of his health, as some many diseases and disorders can be recognized by the color of the child's poop. Through this article, we will talk about the number of times a child should poop and what it means

How often should a child Poop?

Here is an indication of the minimum number of stomach movements expected for your baby during the twenty-four hours in the first six months:


The first day, the child Poop once and the stool is black.

On the second day, your child may have a single bowel movement, or he may not have a black stool at all.

On the third day, the child excretes the stool once and the color of the stool is green.

On the fourth day, your child passes four stools, and they are yellow or green in color.

On the fifth day, your child passes stool three to four times a day, and the stools are liquid and yellow in color.

On the sixth day, your child passes stool three to five times, and the stools are liquid and yellow in color.

From six weeks onwards, the number of times your child passes stool increases from three to five or more times, and the stools are liquid and have a red color.

That the baby passes stool means that there is no problem with the digestive system of the child, and you should be happy when your child passes stool in the first twenty-four hours of his life, as the absence of stool means that there is a greater problem in his digestive system. In the first twenty-four hours, your child's stool will be in the mucus stage, and it will be black in color and have a sticky texture and be difficult to wipe.


And your child must pass the stool within twenty-four hours of his birth, and his stools at that stage consist of the substances that he has digested while he is in the womb and often it is fluids and cells and this stool is without a smell and this is because healthy bacteria have not been present in your child's stomach yet. The movement of the stomach occurs because of the colostrum that the child gets from the mother who does the work of the laxative until he removes these substances from the child's body.

After the expulsion of the nodule, the child's stool becomes liquid and this stool continues for twelve weeks because the digestive system of a child is still in the process of development and therefore will not be able to absorb all the nutrients from the mother's milk as the digestive system of adults does and therefore most of these nutrients leave the child's body from Stool road.


Likewise, the sugar in milk and milk, which the child's body cannot digest, acts as a laxative, which leads to frequent expulsion of liquid stools, but as your child grows, the stomach movement will become less runny.


And when your child begins to switch to solid food, the stool will start to change in shape to resemble adult stool and this often happens to begin at the age of five months when your child begins to eat solid food, where the food becomes solid, dark in color and has a bad smell.

How often should a breastfed baby have stool?

During the early stages of breastfeeding, your baby's digestive system may not be strong enough to be able to absorb all the nutrients that he receives from breastfeeding, and this means that there is a lot of milk that is excreted from his body through the stool, which leads to the stool becoming liquid and colored Yellow in the first months.


You can expect that your baby will pass stools at least four times a day in the first weeks of his life.


Often the number of times the stool is excreted by a child who has breastfed increases as the child grows and the most common is that a child who is breastfed expels stool after each feeding and sometimes the stool may come out twelve times a day or more.

How often should a child who consumes formula?

Compared with babies who are breastfed, babies who eat formula have fewer stools.


This is due to the lack of colostrum in their diet, which acts as a natural laxative and is present in large quantities in breast milk. The number of times the child passes stool will be between three to four times a day, and the stool will feel more solid compared to the stool of a child who is breastfed as well as the color of the stool will be dark green.


As your child grows up, you will find that the child passes stools once a day, whether he is consuming formula or breast milk, and this is an indication that the digestive system has become healthier and developed and does not mean that there is anything to worry about.

When should you consult a doctor?

You must trust your maternal instinct to tell you when to see the doctor, and if the baby’s stool indicates blood or if it has a strange color, then it is best to contact the doctor.


Also, if your child becomes constipated, it is another problem and you should contact the doctor.

If your child's stools are mucous or fluid, this means that your child has some kind of allergy or infection and needs immediate medical attention.

What is the smell of the stool of a newborn baby?

The stool of a child who is breastfed is often sweet, and some mothers notice that the stool of the child in the stage that precedes the appearance of the teeth has a smell similar to the smell of vinegar or yoghurt. And the smell is prominent for children who are breastfed, the smell is more powerful.


Also, the smell of feces that resemble the smell of bottles may be a sign that there is something wrong with your child, but sometimes it may be a sign that your child has started eating solid food.

But if the stool smells like dirt strongly, you may want to do a stool analysis to find out if something is wrong with your child.


The stool of the child may give you an indication of his health and therefore you should always take notes about the number of times your child passes stool in the early stages of his life.

Since the child cannot express any problem or discomfort he feels at this young age, you must pay close attention to his stools so that any problem or disease is resolved immediately.